Shaping the future of communication. is the winning and influence engine that turns conversations into action. We help campaigns connect with constituents at scale. Whether it’s GOTV, fundraising, or raising awareness for a cause or a mission – is your trusted partner to be heard.™ is a robust texting platform for political organizations, advocacy groups, nonprofits and commercial uses. We service customers via fully registered 10DLC, toll free, and short code. We pride ourselves in creating true partnership with our customers – we don't just deliver texts, we deliver results.

Why texting? We believe text messaging is by far the most effective communication channel. 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of delivery. The average US adult sends more than 40 text messages a day. Texting offers an unparalleled way to reach, engage, and inspire people.

For political campaigns, is decidedly and resoundingly nonpartisan. We believe democracy is best served by a free flow of information and substantive conversation. Whether we're powering a Presidential candidate, state party, or a race for local city council, our software helps candidates connect with supporters, drives turnout on election day, and helps raise critical funds. Meaningful two-way conversations with constituents moves the needle in the closest of races and solidifies support where outcomes are more certain.

Our advocacy customers include some of the nation's biggest and most important unions and PACs. Unions utilize texting to converse with members in an effort to educate, drive action, turn out vote, encourage meeting attendance, and answer questions. Political Action Committees use text to educate, drive action, and fundraise.

Nonprofits utilize our platform to engage with supporters. Customers include the Nobel-prizing winning organization United Nations High Commission for Refugees, American Cancer Society, and Boys and Girls Clubs. For many of our nonprofit partners, texting has become the number one channel for return on investment in fundraising.

‍ powers commercial endeavors in healthcare, financial services, education, insurance and more. Whether for marketing, sales, or service, texting is incredibly effective at driving real-time conversation that delivers outstanding return on investment and results. is headquartered in Seattle, but we've embraced a remote-first culture. Team members are spread far and wide – British Columbia, Austin, Montana, Chicago, North Carolina, Washington DC, London, Denver, India, and more. We're a tight-knit group. For the cofounders, we've been working together on and previous projects for 15+ years. We’ve raised more than $12m in funding from well known, value add investors. We’re still a small team but we’re hiring!

Leadership Team

Phil Gordon
CEO & Co-Founder
Barb Smith
COO & Co-Founder
Farz Sokhansanj
Tamilla Mirzoyeva
Director of Marketing
Scott Fortin
VP of Engineering & Co-Founder
Jason Spencer
VP of Product Engineering
& Co-Founder