Turn constituent voices into political action.

Build a grassroots movement by connecting thousands of voters to elected officials with Patch-Thru Calling.

Phone leading to megaphone for advocacy.
Phone leading to Capitol Hill

What is Patch-Thru Calling?

Patch-Thru Calling is a powerful grassroots organizing method that allows direct communication with elected officials at scale. When constituents call, policymakers listen and respond. Patch-Thru campaigns amplify constituent voices, showcase public sentiment, and apply pressure on policymakers to deliver results.

Voters can express their concerns or support for specific policies or bills and reach multiple officials through a single platform. By coordinating numerous individual calls, these campaigns make a collective impact and shape public policy decisions.

Cut through the noise and influence policy at scale.

Line drawing of thumbs up and down

Express support or opposition.

When legislation is being considered by Congress or a state legislature, advocacy groups can use Patch-Thru Calling to mobilize their supporters to contact their elected officials and express their views.

CHAT with an expert

Urge officials to take action.

By connecting supporters with elected officials, constituents can use Patch-Thru Calling to make sure that their voices are heard and that their concerns are taken seriously.

CHAT with an expert
Line drawing of Capitol building in DC
Line drawing of hand shake

Recruit volunteers.

With Patch-Thru Calling, advocacy groups can create a sense of urgency and excitement around their work - driving supporters to take action and become active volunteers.

CHAT with an expert

Why Choose Prompt.io for Patch-Thru Calling?

Easy Campaign Set Up

Set up and manage campaigns with ease with organized audio files and clearly defined actions when Call Scripts are initiated.

Custom Contact Matching

Patch contacts to elected officials or custom destinations. You can define which office you’re connecting to – U.S. Senate, U.S. House, State offices, White House, etc.

Advanced Metrics and Tracking

You can display all the stats for configured call scripts and individual calls. This can include how many contacts participated, the outcome of the call, and to whom they were connected.

See Patch-Thru Calling in Action.

We're here to answer any questions you have. Reach out to us to see Patch-Thru Calling LIVE and its potential for your organization.

Phone calling a Senator.

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I don't have a specific elected official to call?

In the Prompt.io platform, you can create a Fallback. Fallbacks are numbers to which contacts can be connected to if they don't have an elected official selected for their geographical location. This step is optional, especially if you know that all the contacts on your selected list can be connected to at least one of the elected officials selected.

How much does it cost?

Schedule a call with one of our experts about your campaign needs by emailing sales@prompt.io.

What type of audio file can I use?

Currently, you can upload MP3 and WAV audio file types OR record your audio directly in the Prompt.io interface.

Are there different types of patch-thru calls that I can make?

Yes! Patch-Thru Calling is not just connecting callers/contacts to their state and federal elected official. Here are different types of calls you can make:

  • If your organization has a specific target in mind you can input a custom destination for all contacts/callers to be patched-thru to.
  • If your organization has a message for your supporters, use Patch-Thru Calling to play an audio recording.
  • If you do want to connect contacts with their elected officials, use Prompt.io's Address Mapping.